Exploring coastal wildlife
Marvel at a Sponge Garden or an Anemone Array! Be amazed by the stars on a Star Ascidian! Under The Pier reveals the magical marine life that makes its home in and on our piers. Arc and Artecology's work is about connecting people and wildlife and our events are about making ecology accessible to everyone. We know that wildlife encounter is good for you and that there is a lifelong source of learning and inspiration freely available for all of us, thanks to the natural world. Most importantly, the more we discover and learn about nature, the more we're likely to protect and enhance it. Whether it's simple sandpooling or species ID, recording and citizen science with Arc's expert ecologists, there's a whole wild world out there ready and free for you to discover, time and tide again!
Celebrating architectural heritage
Like our iconic 200 year old Ryde Pier, piers are feats of engineering and linear architecture which we mostly appreciate from up-top... but upside-down and down-under, the Under The Pier shapes and spaces are just as awe-inspiring while light and shadows shift and a curious soundscape surrounds you!
Inspiring art and invention
Under the Pier and the beach and walls at its edges are all full of creative inspiration! Land art, beach art and watery invention are all part of the UTP mix... from sand-casting our own starfish with Eccleston George, worm-cast dot-to-dot and the Seashore/Seashell Gallery to the experimental 'Sea-Squirt Experience'! And technology's a UTP specialty too as we supersize species with our microscopes and listen to the sea with a hydrophone!
Building in biodiversity
Built infrastructure… be that marine or terrestrial… can support a range of species; marine life doesn’t just colonise the pools at the base of the pier, it makes its home on the pier itself on its struts and columns. UTP helps inform Artecology's research and development into intergrating biodiversity into the built world. All essential stuff in the search for solutions to the global challenges facing our intertidal zones!
Contact us
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